Friday, May 05, 2006

I just had an odd thought.

I was in the middle of writing a response to a comment, and I was transforming a simple word into the sort of PCspeak gobbledygook coming out of the leftists, mainly in the academy. I think my comment was funny, but it made me think of something.

The left in this country is doing their best to turn us into France.

We know all the obvious things - turning and surrendering at the first sign of conflict, sneering at the rest of humanity, supporting commie tyrants over democracy, etc.

But what occurred to me is that by virtue of language, they're also trying to turn us into France. How so? Dr. Jim's one word description was turned by me, without half trying, into 19 words. Isn't that what French is mostly about? Turning one word in English into a paragraph? I don't know that contorting the language is a crisis, exactly, but I do know that it only makes people harder to understand.

Well, c'est la armed conflict by two imperialistic warmongering patriarchal gatherings of peoples connected by nationalities, I suppose.

Maybe I should write a paper on this.