Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Go vote

if you haven't already. And let's get this traveshamockery of a political process over with. Our public officials have spin to spin, time to waste, and our money to burn. Let's get the least objectionable criminals into power and get the whole bunch of them back into the slimy, infectious toxic waste dump they came from.

I voted this AM, and for what little it mattered I voted a straight Conservative Party line. It was all the same losers as on the Republican line, but I wanted my protest vote to register. I chose not to vote for one Jimmy McMillan, described on Wikipedia as follows:

Rent Is Too (Damn) High Party

* Jimmy McMillan 59, a Vietnam War veteran and former letter carrier, ran for mayor of New York City in 2005. In 2006 he sought to run for Governor as the candidate of the Rent Is Too Damn High Party. The State Board of Elections allowed him on the ballot, but only under the rubric of the "Rent Is Too High Party". That version will appear on Row H.
While I sympathize with Mr. McMillan's position, I don't pay rent and I'm not really a single-issue voter. Besides, if I'm going to toss my vote away on a candidate who can't possibly win, I'd like to join the few other NY State conservatives in supporting the same losing candidate.

The only joy today could bring me on the NY State level is if Hillary Clinton was struck by political lightning and lost. Which will happen the day her husband admits he's a sick serial rapist who opened our nation up to terrorists.