Thursday, February 03, 2005

On the other hand...

As for the Democratic response, I shut it off after Senator Mousy's three minute tale of growing up in Nevada where his mother took in wash to make ends meet. Depression-era stories of hardship don't cut it anymore, more than sixty years after that period. Moreover, if you're going to respond, cut to the chase. "The president offered this, we disagree about it, and here's what we want to do instead"

Don't give me crap about "Spurring research and development in new technologies to help create the jobs of the future." Read my lips - THAT IS NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY. That's what private industry is for. We are still the most technologically advanced nation in the world. There's more to the economy than getting technology to move ahead, which will happen anyway.

The rest was the old liberal lines about powerful corporate interests vs. "regular Americans." It's tired, stale, and unhelpful. Millions of people in this country work for corporations, and corporations provide the energy that fuels our economy. Many people's health care is only affordable because their corporate employers pay a huge chunk of it. I'm tired of the demonization of Corporate America. Corporate America is many of us who work for it, and we should be grateful for the chance to work for dynamic, and profitable organizations.

(Incidentally, I caught a Frontline the other day where they were discussing the credit card industry. They asked the head lobbyist of the American Banking Association about how the industry made $30 billion in profit last year. For some reason I can't figure, the guy hemmed & hawed about it. What's the problem? You're in the business of making money, and you made money. You should be crowing about it. Investors and the company made money, and that's what you're in business to do. I don't see why anyone should apologize for it - that's what our economy is based on. I grant you many people are in credit card debt, but there's an element of personal responsibility there. Don't blame the company if people can't control their spending.)

Anyway, I never saw Nancy Pelosi's comments. I can't imagine, from reading it, that it was worth seeing. Listening to the left carp about Civil Liberties and our so-called police state, it's beyond disingenuous for her to be criticizing the Administration's response to terrorism. They wanted us to go crawl to the UN for protection from the bad guys, and she's whining about a lack of a defense plan? She didn't want us to go to war & she's the military's best friend? She still thinks all of Iraq is chaos - she has no idea what's going on there, I'm sure. Perhaps she ought to talk to Cap'n Frank over in Baghdad. I have a feeling he could enlighten her, if she were to bother listening.

She gets my "Just Shut Up" award.