Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thank goodness

Thursday three is here. Now I don't have to think up anything original.

BONUS - Sweet tea: your first choice of beverage, lemon or not, Lipton or Luzianne?

Not first, with Lemon, I've only ever heard of Lipton. Snapple is a sometimes, as is Nestea.

1. What do you drink the most at work, and do you bring your own?

Water, fresh from the cooler upstairs.

2. Nutrasweet (aspartame) or Splenda (sucralose)?

Fie! A pox on ye, all chemically laden sweeteners! Good ol' C12H22O11 for me, please.

3. Do you keep candy at your desk/work area?

Sometimes. I have a candy jar on the desk I got from a patron a while back, & sometimes I fill it.

1. What do you drink the most at home, and do you change on the weekend?

Water & Seltzer, and not really. Occasionally there's some Lemonade, and once in a great while I buy a six-pack of Dr. Brown's Cream Soda, which will usually last 3-6 months or so.

2. Nutrasweet (aspartame) or Splenda (sucralose)?


3. Do you keep a candy stash? Change its location periodically?

Not a stash - the kids are too short, even on the chairs they drag over, to reach the upper shelves of the pantry. Sometimes we're good & there's nothing in the house, other times not so good.

1. What do you drink when traveling? (Marc had “by plane” for this one, but I’ve changed it to be any sort of travel)

Mostly the same as at home.

2. Nutrasweet (aspartame) or Splenda (sucralose)?


3. Do you chew gum to help your ears pop on a flight? (Obviously, this is for airplanes, not cars or buses or trains, unless you happen to be on one that flies.)

Sometimes. Sometimes just regular sucking candy. None of it helps much.