Tuesday, June 24, 2008


It's always the same, isn't it?

The Not-So-Lost Tribe

I have no problem with you highlighting the plight of native tribes in heavily logged areas. Make all the teary-eyed pictures you want. But why, why do you need to make stuff up? You ruin any point you were trying to make by faking things, so why do it? There's always an excuse from people like this, and the argument always comes back to "truthiness". It should be so, therefore anything I do to promote that is not only acceptable, but somehow beneficial.

The Shema prayer ends with "I am the Lord your God, Truth." Truth is essential to a moral and ethical life, and to be in firm concert with God's plan. Lacking truth is lacking in Godliness, and yet so many of these people believe that the ends justify the means. It's sad, and it's stupid.