Thursday, November 06, 2008

Presidents & Promises

I don't want to make much of Tuesday's results. The guy I wanted (albeit reluctantly) for the job didn't get it. The nice part about democracy is sometimes you lose, and the American version says you suck it up and work harder next time.

Any number of people, including many conservatives, are describing this as a great, historic moment for America. I don't buy it, perhaps because I didn't grow up during the period when this would be unthinkable.

I think I might actually be post-racial, unlike the people falling all over themselves about this. Because I don't care in the slightest that he's black, and I never did. I don't think this is a great moment for America, because I believe the President-elect is mistaken in what he believes is good for America. I think his economic policies will damage this country tremendously, and his judicial approach will take away American freedoms.

I would gladly have voted for a black man (or woman) who matched my beliefs in the power of the American citizen's abilities to take care of themselves. I would not have voted for a white man who believed, as I think Obama does, that American citizens are children who need nannying.

I wish him and the rest of us luck, and I hope sincerely that I am wrong about the Administration and Congress about to take over the reigns of government. I will gladly admit I'm wrong if America is a better place to live in 4 years. But if I'm right...