Friday, June 10, 2005


No, not this Eureka. More of a flash of insight. You may notice from my last post that certain small people in my house are waking up at truly unreasonable hours.

So yesterday I get the bright idea of putting something in to block the windows. These are two small attic windows that aren't normal shapes - they're basically a quarter of a round window (I'll leave it to Terry to find the architectural term). Two legs across the side and the bottom, and then an arc from one to the other. Anyway, they're about 20 inches a side, and we had taped up some blackout curtains on them.

Naturally, the curtains don't stay up, whether it's gravity or the children pulling them down. So I go out to the garage last night & grab an old moving box we've been saving for no particular reason. Mark off the two legs, and smart Mrs. takes a piece of string and a thumbtack to mark off the arc part. Thank goodness she sews, because as an incompetent I would have come up with something ridiculous to mark off the arc. Which probably wouldn't have worked.

So I do the slicing & dicing with a utility knife, Mrs. jams them in the window, and the fit is pretty darned good. The payoff?

Small childroon come in to us at 7AM instead of 5. Life is a lot happier today.

Oh, and I made fudge last night. There's a bake sale for the Shavuot holiday next week, and that's my contribution. Except for the second pan, which is for us.