Monday, April 17, 2006

Guess what?

I'm baaaaaack.

Forgive me, for I have sinned. It has been two weeks since my last posting...

So, not to put too fine a point on it, where the hell have I been?

Busy. Busy busy busy. So busy that I realize now that I never finished explaining the completion of the downstairs bathroom, which happened more than a month ago. On Purim, as I recall. At the time I had plans for a long and hilarious post about getting it done, but there's no way I can remember what it was about. Suffice it to say, we did eventually get the bathroom done, and perhaps someday I will post pictures of it.

Since then, everything has hit the fan in a large way. My boss dropped the idea that I should second myself over to our intranet people. As he put it, "you have skills I think we can use." Subtext being - "people are losing their jobs, and I want you to keep yours." Scary, and yet somewhat comforting. So I finally sat down with the head of our intranet, and we have been going nonstop for a month. She's not the most technically skilled, but she's got a lot of energy & drive, and she bloody well wants to get things done.

That's good and bad. It's good because I like working with people who don't care that there are problems, we still have to try. It's bad because there are some other people who are in the way anyway, and we have a lot of drag to get through. It's a little bad because of all the work it's dumped on me, but it's a great opportunity to demonstrate that I can get things done.

So no bloggy, because I have seen more people and been to more meetings in the last month than in most of the previous year. I can honestly go weeks at a time without officially seeing another person. The last month I haven't gone more than two days without a meeting. On top of it the boss gave us a project to do in about a tenth of the time it really needed. Thankfully we got it done, but I spent two weeks seeking obscure, 100 year old articles looking for quotes, most of which I actually found. Interesting investigation, but under a lot more time pressure than I really like.

Oh, and there's a minor holiday going on at the moment that required the teeniest, tiniest bit of cleaning of the house.

And no, thank you, I do NOT want any more matzah.

(And, not at all confidentially to our Southwestern Canine-Loving readership, it's nice to be missed.)