Thursday, April 27, 2006


I believe these so-called harrassment suits are just money hungry types looking for a score. Not always, of course - there should be standards of behavior, and too often morons in the workplace think they can behave like they're still in their frat houses. But often enough I think hypersensitive people need to relax and not sue their employer out of business.

Not this time.

I have been part of team building exercises. At 30 years old, I was asked to be part of a potato sack race, as were my colleagues, many of whom were considerably older than me. I don't think we built team that way, especially when the boss was off playing golf (this was my last job, not this one).

But what nimrod thought spankings and cream pies to the face would build cameraderie? What dolt decided that humiliating your employees is the way to improve performance? These people should get sued. And anyone who participated in this sort of thing deserves to lose their job. Fun is fun, and I'm OK with having a good time at work. I don't think jokes should be banned at work, though I agree people should understand there's a time & place for everything.

I can even live with potentially risque/embarrassing behavior - people volunteering for dunk tanks in decidedly non-business attire, bobbing for apples, whatever. All in the spirit of fun, and all volunteer. But, as if this needs to be said out loud, you can't spank your employees. Ever. Unless you are running a house of ill repute and the client asks for it, this is simply not acceptable anywhere in an employment situation.

Glad to clear that up.