Thursday, June 08, 2006


I have to come up with my own questions? Crap.

1) What is my idea of a perfect meal?

Great. I asked myself a hard one to start. My restaurant answer would be the steak place I go to sometimes. I always clean my plate there, so a steak, fries, and some green stuff to balance things out.

If it's at home, I think I'd have to say a totally grilled meal. Maybe start off with some wings; move on to a nice cut of meat, medium well (not a steak - maybe a london broil sliced up); grilled peppers & zucchini, corn; finish off with some grilled pineapple. Great. I made myself hungry.

2) What non-prurient feature of a woman do I find most attractive?

Eyes. My wife is, of course, the perfect woman in every respect. But if I was looking around (which I'm NEVER, EVER doing), and thinking with the proper organ, I'm a sucker for green eyes and dark red hair.

3) What's it all about?

Bowling. It's all about bowling. Don't ask why.