Thursday, April 21, 2005

Thursday Three - Rare First Edition Edition

1. Do you like to read one book at a time until you’re finished, or multiple things at once?

One at a time - I need to focus. I have several books I kind of stopped in the middle of, so technically I'm reading more than one. In the same sense that I (9 years later) am still "pursuing" my PhD.

2. Do you do your browsing at the library, or do you prefer going to retailers such as Barnes and Noble and glomming up free samples of the publishing arts, pretending you’re actually going to buy something?

Liberry for me. We had B & N gift cards to use up a few weeks back, and it was the first time I had been in a bookstore in several years. Amazon is where we shop, and I echo Terry's commenter who takes names off Amazon & then goes & gets them from the Library.

3. Which do you prefer--hard cover, paperback, or online?

I don't think I have a preference between the first two, but I can't read a lot of real stuff online. It's hard on the eyes. Unlike this nice young lady, who's very easy on the eyes.

And a special bonus question (or else Jim has lost the ability to count):

4. What do you read most often?

Well, I started up my daily page of Talmud Study (Daf Yomi, in the lingo) again recently, so I'm reading a lot more of that. Bear in mind getting through the whole cycle takes 7 and a half years, so there's a lot of reading. Thank heavens for the English translation, 'cause my Aramaic needs work. I read non-fiction almost exclusively, and it's almost always history.