Thursday, September 29, 2005

Thank goodness

for the Thursday Three, or I'd never blog. Anyway, here you are.

1) What one language would you most like to learn to speak, or at least understand?

Wag that I am, I too was going to say English. Terry beat me to it, so that's out. I've taken Hebrew, French, Russian, and Latin in my checkered educational past, and I can't speak any of them conversationally. What I've learned is that I have no head for languages. I'd like my Hebrew to be better than it is, and I think it would be most practical. I can kind of understand, but not as well as I'd like.

2) What one skill would you most like to learn?

I've been interested in learning to fly forever, but the cost is in the way. I'd also like to learn to play an instrument, mostly guitar. The one that's probably most achievable is woodworking, and I've actually started to make some attempts at it. Can I pick two? Or three? You notice I didn't say I wanted to get good at math.

3) What one character flaw would you most like to rid yourself of?

Impatience. I cannot seem to conquer that particular problem. I get it when I'm driving and with my children, and I can't seem to get over it. I recognize intellectually that I'm not getting there that much faster if the guy in front of me moves over to the middle lane. I also realize they are 4 and 2 respectively, and they can't be expected to meet my expectations on some things, but I often feel they're ignoring me deliberately and I tend to jump on them quicker than I should.