Thursday, March 17, 2005

Thursday O'Three

Nothing to do with Patrick's day, but musical. Bear in mind that my dad is a professional musician, and this one strikes a chord. Get it? Huh? Huh?

1. What instrument do you play?

I have been known to play cheap kid-toy kazoos. I can sing a bit, but just a bit.

2. Which one do you wish you could play if time and talent were not involved?

Guitar. This man is EXACTLY who I would want to sound like. Never gonna happen, but a guy can dream.

3. Have you ever taken lessons for an instrument or voice and how did it go?

Yep. Aforementioned Parental unit attempted to teach me clarinet at about eight years old. [Me, not him. Duh.] I wouldn't practice, so so much for that. My grampa, who was a piano teacher by trade, did attempt piano lessons, which similarly went nowhere. I can, however, still play "Drifting" on the pianner at my dad's house (Grampa's 1893 steinway baby grand, which pops took after my grandma moved out of her house).

I also attempted to teach myself the tin whistle with the help of a tape/book package, and got vaguely far. Practice does not sit well with me, I guess