Thursday, March 24, 2005

Thursday Three

1) What is the one thing that you love MOST about Spring?

NO....MORE....SNOW. Putting the snowblower & salt away for another year cheers me up no end. Also being able to open the windows & get some air in the house.

2) ASIDE FROM POLLEN AND TORNADOES, what is the one thing that you love LEAST about Spring?

The fact that in NY it only lasts about a week before we hit the 85-90 degree temperatures.

3) Name your single most favorite song, movie, play, book, painting, sculpture, etc., etc., with “spring” as part of the title.

"Springtime for Hitler" popped into my head, but I don't know if that qualifies as "favorite." "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park?" No spring in the title, but in the opening verse. I can't think of anything else.