Thursday, March 03, 2005

Thursday Three - Nausea Edition

Why Terry went for the (dis)gusto here is beyond me, but here it is nonetheless.

#1--What three commonly served food items cause you to become nauseated when you smell them? (The “commonly served” will be judged loosely to allow for regional specialties that cause you unease that might not be available in other parts of the world.)

I can't think of three, but the one I can think of is bad enough for three. I don't even know what it actually is, but there was a "food truck" [colloquially, "Roach Coach"] on the corner of 96th St. & Broadway when I used to live near there that was clearly frying petroleum byproducts. Or raw sewage. It was a hispanic food truck, so I guess it was some South or Central American specialty that smells beyond hideous. I hated waiting for the light to change there just because the smell almost killed me.

#2--What three non-cable, non-satellite television shows can you just not stand to watch? (If they make you nauseated, even better.)

Survivor; 60 Minutes; Anything on WB or UPN

#3--What three things are you immune to that seem to make other people ill?

Can't think of anything, unless allergies & asthma are acceptable illnesses. I love the smell of freshly mowed lawn and pipe tobacco. And some people I know are disgusted by the smell of sauteed onions, which I think is heavenly.