Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A comment

by Dave over at Terry's made me wonder about something (and yes, I'm quite the namedropper, huh?)

He noted his childhood games of Cowboys & Indians, and I got to wondering what the few kids not crazy glued to their playstations are running around playing these days? Sure most kids are fat as houses and permanently attached to their couches & remote controls (at least to hear the media's take on it), but there's gotta be a few out there who go out in the street & actually play. Have they moved on to drug dealers and Narcs? Special Forces and Taliban? ("awww, man, why do I have to be Mullah Omar again?")

Sadly, I assume kids have moved past those. Any that haven't have been indoctrinated by the effeminate left not to be mean or stereotype Aboriginals or something. Today's kids are expected to play "UN Negotiation" or "Kiss French Derriere Capitulation." I remember playing cops & robbers, or ghosts & goblins, and I remember having imagination. I must really be getting old - the loss of those running around, shooting games makes me sad.

Well, to make up for it, allow me to say "I got you!"

[The proper response, of course, is "nu-uh, you missed me!"]