Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Speaking of See Enn Enn, they seem to stick to the script:

Jill Carroll: Terrorists 'surprisingly clever'

Leaving aside the need for a thirty part series on this woman's experience, why does the headline writer make the assumption that these guys should not be considered clever? What's surprising about it? We're dealing with smart people over there. Not in any field the rest of us think is useful, but they've put a lot of effort into figuring out how to hurt people.

This is one more reason to appreciate what our country and our soldiers are doing. We're fighting a group of people who are putting every ounce of energy they have into finding ways of destroying the world. And we, who are spending a lot of time on other things, including creative and beneficial things, are still winning. Not every battle, perhaps, but we haven't been successfully attacked here in five years. It remains a constant battle, but the best they can put together can't defeat what we have.

It raises the question I always ask when criminals or terrorists are the subject. What could these people accomplish if they spent half their time working on something useful? All that brainpower wasted on new ways to kill people? Hours working on methods of adding shrapnel to bombs? Go find a cure for cancer, stupid, and we'll be happy to talk about the superiority of Islam.