Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Live Nude Conference Blogging!

Did I wake anyone up? I am, in fact, fully clothed, with the exception of my pale, hairy legs and daring toes. I've gone commando in the sock area, given that temps are in the 90s around here.

The trip down was uneventful, largely due to the installation and permanent running of the portable DVD player. The down side is I had to listen to Barbie Rapunzel, Strawberry Shortcake, and not one but two My Little Pony videos. May I say the writing on these teleplays is nothing short of execrable? On the plus side, the kids were happy the whole trip down.

We did stop at an outlet place in Maryland, where LL Bean was kind enough to have pants in my waist size for $5 apiece. I can't remember the last time I spent $5 on anything that lasted more than a day. We spent some dough in a few places, but on the whole we saved quite a bit so I think it was a good idea. The only stupid thing is I have these dopey gift cards that expire at the end of August, and if I had been thinking we would have spent them yesterday.

There is no actual conference news as of yet - the first things I expect to go to begin tomorrow. I know anyone still paying attention is desperate to know of the doings of the Society of American Archivists, but you'll just have to manage your disappointment for one more day.