Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Change of Plans

We have not, in fact, made it to the Isle of Manhattan for a day of gallivanting. No, the folks in The City will have to make do without the Skinnydans for another day. It's cold, we didn't get moving quickly enough, and frankly none of us really felt like a trip in.

So instead we're hanging around the house, cleaning various offices of eons of old paperwork, and possibly going to the movies this PM. I am also attempting to install Windows XP on my old desktop to make it a bit more usable - possibly so the kids can play dopey Dora video games online.

I actually did the install once already today, but I screwed it up and put it on the wrong partition. I actually WANT to wipe out everything that's there, and I didn't. So now I go through it a second time, and this may take a while. I don't much care what happens to it, but I really want to get rid of all the crap that's on it now. The XP is a copy I got for going to Microsoft training last September - they didn't give it to me, but I got employee pricing on it which was extremely discounted.

Anyway, I seem to be making progress on that front, and I can see the floor of my office, so it's a good day all around.