Friday, January 05, 2007

How Late

Can one post a Thursday Three? Let's find out. (I realize I could date it yesterday and no one would be the wiser, but it's not really in the spirit of things.)

1) What new thing would you like to attempt in the New Year?

Like many of the others I too would love to learn to play an instrument. Having gone through the process badly as an eight year old with a clarinet, I'm a little wary. My dad is a musician by profession, so I have a bit to live up to. In reality I probably won't do it this year, so a more realistic goal is to learn to puckhandle better than I do now.

2) What one new thing do you really, REALLY need (not want, but truly need) to have?

A discount on yeshiva tuition, and a much more generous raise than I finally beat out of them last year.

3) What grungy old ramshackle thing do you have that you should replace with something shiny and new but just can’t bring yourself to make the switch?

Probably the middle ear bone in my left ear that's not working right. Getting it put in would require surgery, and I have many, many issues with medicine and medical procedures.