Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The MoronProject

is dead. Long Live the MoronProject.

After splitting three 1 X 2s in a row last night (and BTW, they're apparently 1X2 in name only. 3/4 X 1 5/8 just doesn't flow right) I have finally admitted that I need to rethink this audio cabinet deal.

The derned things are just too thin to screw in, and so I need to come up with a new approach. I can either get thicker wood (likely to make a much heavier cabinet) or develop a different concept for putting this thing together. I suppose I need to learn some basic joinery, but there's really no place nearby to get a basic course.

I suspect book learning will have to suffice, and so I am engaging in a smaller moronproject. I'm gonna build a box. What kind of box, you ask? Heck if I know. I have a bit of wood lying about that hasn't been wasted on a screwup conceptual project, and I think it might be better purposed towards something useful.

Hence, a box. To put stuff in.

Photos may follow, or else there's a chance I'm taking up macrame. Beads are cheaper.